
In this agenda you will find a divirsity of special activities you can enjoy in the surroundings.

We hope all the activities can continue, but we don't know what Covid will bring us in 2021.


23 january 2021
Snerttocht Schaijk
Walking tour 
6-10-15-20-25 km
Registration fee: € 5,00

28 march 2021
Maashorst Walking Event
Walking tour
6-10-15-20-30 km
Registration fee; € 5,00 (children till 12 year € 2,50)

5 & 6 june 2021
Break out run
2-4-8-14 km

8-9-10-11 june 2021
Fiets 4-daagse Maashorst
Beautiful bike tour for 4 days each day 35 or 60 km.

27 june 2021
Maashorstwandeltocht Schaijk
Walking tour
6-10-15-20-30-42-50-60 km 
Registration fee: € 4,00

17 - 23 july 2021
Vierdaagse party

20 - 23 july 2021
104 de Nijmeegse wandel vierdaagse - Walk of the World

16 - 25 july 2021
Mega Kermis Uden
One of the biggest fairs of the netherlands 

7 – 13 november 2021
Glow Eindhoven
The city is all about the light art
Eindhoven would be a big open air museum by night